Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Layne Norton's Power/Hypertrophy Routine

This routine is one of the best I have ever seen. Some of its advantages to other routines is that it hits every bodypart 2x a week, has was low and high rep ranges and has supersets to really pump up the muscle. The pumps on arm day are just insane!
Here is the routine:
Layne Norton's Power/Hypertrophy Routine


Day One, Upper Power:
3 or 4 Compound pressing and pulling movements, 3-5 sets in the 5 rep range, and 1 Accessory Movement

Day Two, Lower Power:
2 or 3 Squatting and Deadlifting movements, 3-5 sets in the 5 rep range, and 1 Accessory Movement

Day Three, Off

Day Four, Hypertrophy Chest/Arms:

3 Benching movements, 2-3 sets in the 8-12 rep range. 1-2 reps short of failure.
3 Supersets consisting of 2 exercises each, 3 biceps and 3 triceps, 3 sets in the 8-12 range, 1-2 reps short of failure.
1 Chest accessory exercises, 3 sets, 8-12 reps, 1-2 reps short of failure.

Day Five, Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps:

4 Supersets consisting of 2 exercises each, 3 Shoulders and 3 Backs in the 8-12 reps range, and 2 Traps in the 10-15 rep range, 2-3 sets each. 1-2 reps short of failure.
1 Optional Back compound, 2 sets in the 8-12 rep range, 1-2 reps short of failure.

Day Six, Hypertrophy Legs/Calves:
2 Supersets consisting of 2-3 exercises each, 4-5 sets in the 8-15 range. 1-2 reps short of failure.

Day Seven, Off


Sunday: Upper Power

-5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts(5x5 on bulk cause recovery is better, 3x5 on cut)
-Barbell Bench Press
-Barbell Rows
-Military Press
-Barbell Shrugs

Monday: Lower Power

-5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts(5x5 on bulk cause recovery is better, 3x5 on cut)
-Back Squat
-Stiff Leg Deadlift, Or Romanian DL
-6-8 sets of Standing Calf, little higher reps, i like to do 6-8 on heavy days

Tues: Off (I usually do some cardio)

Wednesday: Hypertrophy Chest/Arms

(For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
-DB Incline Bech 3x8-12
-Barbell Close Grip Bench 3x8-12
-DB Flat Bench 2x8-12
-Preacher Curls 3x8-12 super setted with
-Standing French Press 3x8-12
-Push Downs 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Hammer Curls
-Cable Crossovers 3x8-12
-Machine Curl 3x8-12 supersetted with
-Machine Dips 3x8-12

Thursday: Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps
(For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)

-DB Shoulder Press 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Front Raise 3x8-12
-DB One Arm Row 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Arnold Press 3x8-12
-Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip) 2x8-12 super setted with
-DB Shrugs 2x10-15
-Lat Pull Down (Close grip, palms facing in) 2x8-12 super setted with
-DB Upright Row 2x10-15
-T-bar row 2x8-12 (Usually too tired/dead to do this last exercise, but some times i do it)

Friday: Hypertrophy Legs/Calves
(For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before

-Hack Squat 5x8-12 super setted with
-Standing Calf 5x10-15
-Leg Extensions 5x10-15 super setted with
-Sitting Leg Curls 5x10-15 super setted with
-Sitting Calf Raise 4x8-12

Saturday: Off (cardio if you want)


  1. If its good enough for Layne, its good enough for me.

  2. Will have to try this.


  3. I am scared to do this routine.. so many supersets

  4. Crazy as hell bro. Check out my blog to see what I do in the gym.

  5. @ Lose Fat Rapidly- yea its crazy especially on Chest/Arm day you get such an insane pump!

  6. whoa. I couldnt get through it all

  7. haha I was gonna do this for my summer routine. brb bulking when most people are cutting.

  8. layne is dope, wonder how good he'll look until he is still "young"

  9. My body would fall apart if I tried to do this

  10. Amazing weight is moved with this routine, simply crazy

  11. Very informative...follow me back bro
